well this post may come as a shock to some of you. and perhaps not.
so if you have read my blog or just talk to me really you know that i am up here in Ephraim going to school majoring in special education, and you will have noticed that things haven't been so smooth in this process for me. so i went home for thanksgiving break and i knew that i needed to get serious about registration for next year and all of that good stuff. it was stressful and scary and hard to say the least. this is how the process went.

1.decided on UVU, transferred credits, got accepted.
2. found out they have zero special ed program so i could do generals and then transfer to Utah State (didnt wanna do that)
3. decided to just take a few online classes for now at UVU so i could focus on less and do better (hopefully)
4. was still very leery to go back to school and was having a hard time with decision 3. so decided to look at a few more options.
5. looked at MATC's programs and this is where i found satisfaction.

so world, yours truly will be attending MATC to become a (drum roll please)


i am very excited about this new plan. but also dont worry i havent given up on my teaching dream it just isnt quite the same. i have just decided that i will work as a aid and then when i am done with the nail program witch takes about 4 months i can do nails on the side and so yes. im very happy.

oh and i will be doing it out of my house so if you would like to be a future client (i need them desperately) please comment and i will do them for you!


 today ladies and gents i shall tell a tale of most embarrassment.

today as i was walking behind tatum (she never walks with me) home from math class everything was going great until.....
a huge wind storm picked up most unexpectedly
my olive color flowing shirt then proceeded to fly up reveling my chubby navel and moses knows what else!
i started to yell for tatum while trying to hold my shirt down and also trying to fling my head to toss away my hair from my eyes.... and the yelling and flipping of the head in turn made my gum shoot from my mouth making us laugh hysterically! all of this together im sure looked exactly like this.....

(except it was my SHIRT not skirt)

oh and did i mention all of this happened in front of my ex boyfriend and his friends.. sure showed him what he's missin.


if you are in a very great mood you probably should be pre-warned that this post is not going to make you any happier. but hey the reason for this blog is to show the life of a college student and im sure im not the only one out there that gets over whelmed and really sad about things sometimes.
i dont know if its something in the air. if its hard classes, or just wishing i was home for the holiday seasons. but one thing that i know for sure is that i am very sad lately about something. i have no motivation to go to class or do anything that has to do with school. im basically failing so i feel like their is no hope. my best friend doesnt do much listening but i've learned that i shouldnt expect much from people when i dont do much to help either. i miss my family so much its killing me! i just want to go home forever so i can cry to my mom and she will take me to lunch and tell me that everything will eventually work out. i miss my boyfriend and the way that he can always make me laugh. i miss my basement full of work out equipment keeping me motivated. more than anything i want to be back at home in my big bath tub in the dark thinking about nothing but how great the current song is thats playing. i miss ryan and how we just get each other and he makes me happy and all he has to do is be in the same room as me. i miss going to church with my family, i can admit i have slipped since moving out and i can feel that in my life.i want to spend my life reading great novels and making delicious food that makes me happy, movies that make me a better person, and music that makes me want to get out of bed and dance. i want close girlfriends to go shopping with and laughing about stupid nonsense. i just want to have a reason to get out of this uncomfortable bed and twirl for no reason. i just dont feel happy and i dont like feeling like this its not who i am. i want to be happy......


time is a funny thing isnt it? sometimes good sometimes bad. you use it to describe how long you have been a live how long you've been with the significant other. how long someone has been in the shower. it can be measured on a clock on a face or a calender. if you are like me you think of time in experiences, events. whether they are good or bad everyone has them, but the last couple days i have been thinking sincerely about my time and frankly... i dont know how happy i have been. i spend far too much time worrying about what people think of me  or rather what they dont think of me. many times i've thought of what i wish i was doing different or change. too much time spent with people who dont make me feel all that great about myself. done things that are a waste of my precious time. so if like me your time isnt spent in the best way that it should lets come together and change that. here's to moving on and not looking to the past and worrying about the future but focusing on the present time you could be glad to have.